The OURI College Faculty Liasons serve as ambassadors for college efforts for the Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (URI) initiative. One faculty member per college will be selected by the college in coordination with OURI to serve in this capacity for 2 years (Fall-Summer). The anticipated time commitment for this appointment is 3-5 hours per week (including monthly meetings), with most of the responsbilities taking place during the fall and spring semesters.

Faculty Liasons 2023-2024

Evan Bennett A and L

Faculty Member: Evan Bennett
Email address:
College: Arts and Letters
Research Interests: Environmental history, Maritime and coastal history, Labor History, Florida History

M. Escaleras BUS

Faculty Member: Monica Escaleras
Email address:
College: Business
Research Interests: Development Economics, Economics of Public Policy, Macroeconomics, Political Economy

S. Darling EDU

Faculty Member: Sharon M. Darling
Email address:
College: Education
Research Interests: Early childhood/Early childhood special education, Curriculum, Behavior, and addressing the needs of children and families with and without special needs within inclusive environments

ENG_liaison Faculty Member: Fred Bloetscher
Email address:
College: Engineering and Computer Science
Research Interests: Water and Wastewater Technology; Groundwater Wells; Flow and Contaminant Transport; Wastewater Disposal Practices and Risk Assessment; Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management; Environmental Engineering; Utility Management and Finance
FAUHS Liaison headshot Faculty Member: Tricia Meredith
Email address:
College: FAU High School
Research Interests: The anatomy, physiology, and behavior related to the
sense of smell of sharks and their relatives; how undergraduate research and inquiry-based learning impacts early college/dual enrollment students
HON_Liaison headshot 22-23 Faculty Member: Daniel de Lill
Email address:
College: Honors College
Research Interests: Inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, nanochemistry, luminescence, crystallography, sensing, catalysis, ufology, "woo-woo" science, chemical education, and how chemistry is used within the science fiction genre.
MED Liaison headshot Faculty Member: Ceylan Isgor
Email address:
College: Medicine
Research Interests: Animal Models of Seizure Susceptibility; Neuromorphological behavioral and molecular consequences of chronic, variable stress during peripubertal-juvenile period in rats; Animal models for individual differences in the novelty-seeking or risk-taking behavior; Gonadal and adrenal steroid regulation of the novel estrogen receptor beta in stress relevant brain nuclei
NUR Liaison headshot

Faculty Member: Lenny Chiang Hanisko
Email address:
College: Nursing
Research Interests: Polypharmacy issues among ethnically diverse populations; aging and gerontological issues; cultural diversity


SCI_Liaison Faculty Member: Tobin Hindle
Email address:
College: Science
Research Interests: Human-Environmental Interactions, Ecological Regeneration, Strategies to integrate, Science, Society and Nature, Geographical Information Science, eLearning
Science Liaison Faculty Member: Diana Mitsova
Email address:
College: Science
Research Interests: Geographic information systems, Spatial and Statistical Analysis, Sustainable Urban Planning, Impact of Urban Development on Ecosystems and other Environmentally sensitive areas
SWCJ Liaison headshot Faculty Member: Lincoln Sloas
Email address:
College: Social Work and Criminal Justice
Research Interests: In the areas of problem-solving courts including drug courts and how individuals navigate substance abuse treatment services